MMC StudMagnificent Miniature Creations

Miniature Donkeys

Marco walking with Sparkplug, our herd sire.

Miniature Donkey Jennet, Parfait, with black and white foal

Marina and the “ladies”, Stardust and Parfait.

Miniature Donkey foals, Captain Morgan and Jack Sparrow

Miniature Donkeys


Magnificent Miniature Creations also breed Miniature Donkeys. The breed is called, Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys. They were imported from America. The Miniature Donkeys have always been a small breed and were not specially bred to be small. They are wonderful pets and thrive on attention. The Americans say they are the only investment you can fall in love with.

Marina 082 890 1703  |  Chris 082 890 1702

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